TrollAktiv sin stab består alle av profesjonelle frilufts instruktører/guider!​

Over 30 års bransjeerfaring i sommer og vinteraktiviteter gir godt grunnlag for å kunne tilby trygge og kvalitetsikrede aktiviteter for våre gjester. Vi er svært stolte av vår raske og serviceinnstilte kundebehandling.  Sommersesongen vår strekker seg fra april til november hvor vi hvert år rekrutterer profesjonelle instruktører fra hele verden. 

Er du interessert til å jobbe hos oss? Send oss gjerne en mail.


Tim (UK)

CEO / Founder

Professional outdoor instructor with 35 years of experience in the industry.

Basi ski instructor Alpine trainer 2
Telemark trainer 2 og Nordisk trainer 4.


Simon (UK)

Manager / Instructor Trainer

Professional outdoor instructor with 16 years experience.

River Rescue Instructor
Wilderness First Aid Instructor


Ann (UK)

Manager / Instructor Trainer

Professional outdoor instructor with 17 years experience. IAPA Trainer


Pat (Scotland)

Operations Manager

Professional outdoor instructor with 15 years of experience in the industry. IAPA Trainer


Laura (Denmark)

Booking and Marketing

Laura, works in the booking and marketing department. She enjoys MTB, climbing and taking pictures. And during the busy period she is also at the reception

Kristina (Croatia)



TrollAktiv sin stab består alle av profesjonelle frilufts instruktører/guider!

Over 30 års bransjeerfaring i sommer og vinteraktiviteter gir godt grunnlag for å kunne tilby trygge og kvalitetsikrede aktiviteter for våre gjester. Vi er svært stolte av vår raske og serviceinnstilte kundebehandling.  Sommersesongen vår strekker seg fra april til november hvor vi hvert år rekrutterer profesjonelle instruktører fra hele verden. 

Er du interessert til å jobbe hos oss? Send oss gjerne en mail.


Tim (UK)

CEO / Founder

Professional outdoor instructor with 35 years of experience in the industry.

Basi ski instructor Alpine trainer 2
Telemark trainer 2 og Nordisk trainer 4.


Simon (UK)

Manager / Instructor Trainer

Professional outdoor instructor with 16 years experience.

River Rescue Instructor
Wilderness First Aid Instructor

Zach (UK)

Manager / Instructor Trainer

Professional outdoor instructor with 10 years experience in the industry. Zach runs our daily operation and our raft training scheme.

IRF Instructor

Yvonne (Norway)

Hospitality Manager

Yvonne has been with TrollAktiv for 22 years. Has a wealth of knowledge and experience which she brings to the team in our booking and hospitality department.


Laura (Denmark)

Booking and Marketing

Laura, works in the booking and marketing department. She enjoys MTB, climbing and taking pictures. And during the busy period she is also at the reception

Gappu (India)

Raft Guide

Gappu has been with us 11 years and is an experienced raft guide and safety kayaker. He also has his own raft company in India.

Julie (Norway)

Guide / Bookings

Julie is a grade 3 IRF guide and can pretty much run every activity TrollAktiv offers. Now and then she also helps us out on the booking team.

Amalie (Norway)


Amalie is on a two year year internship learning all segmants of the adventure industry. TrollAktiv is an approved "lærebedrift"


Quality Control & British group co-ordinator

This will be Becki's 4th year at Troll, she has experience in all our activities and loves being on the river, or exploring the mountains.

VJ (India)

Raft Guide

Tom (Ireland)


Deepak (India)


Rosie (UK)


Harry (UK)


Olly (UK)
